Friday, 4 June 2010

Ultramarine Predator 'Agrippa' (magnetised)

A predator tank. Magnetised to allow swaps between Annihilator and Destructor variants. Forgeworld Rhino reinforced armour used, along with some Tamiya 1/48 stowage and an old-school Rhino box.


MasterDarksol said...

Is the Extra Armour magnetized? Looks sweet.

Maz said...

No, the extra armour isn't. The design of the door frame (and fitting issues with it) would make it a very long, difficult and expensive modification to do. Not impossible though.

MasterDarksol said...

I was afraid that would be the answer. I've been considering attempting it, but was worried about what looked like serious complications around the door frame. Shoot.

Maz said...

I think you'd need to test fit very carefully and use a strong magnet pair to hold in the inside sponson 'door', which would hold the armour piece in place. It'd take careful alignment in assembly too.